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Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS)

Remote office location – St. Louis, MO

Brett Wilhelm, DeafBlind Services Program Coordinator

636-542-8126 voice/text/facetime

Service Area: Omaha, Nebraska

Program Established: July, 2023

Funding Sources: two-year grant of $110,000 from the NE Commission f/t Blind & Visually Impaired and $10,000 grant from the Friends of NCBVI to establish an SSP pilot program in the Omaha metro.  During this two-year period, permanent program funding will be sought from the Nebraska State Legislature. 

Eligibility: Service recipients must have varying levels of combined vision and hearing loss:  1) Vision - vision acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses, or a field loss such that the peripheral diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance of no greater than 20 degrees, or progressive visual loss with a prognosis leading to one or both of the above conditions; and 2) Hearing - chronic hearing disabilities so severe that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification, or progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to the above condition; the confirmation of vision and hearing loss must be provided in writing from a professional.  In addition, the DeafBlind participant must have the capacity in giving instructions and making decisions independently when utilizing SSP services. DeafBlind participants must provide a Nebraska photo ID, which will prove if they have been a Nebraska resident for at least one year and are age 14 years or older - anyone under the age of 18 will require parental consent to use SSP services.

Number of Participants Served: up to 25 participants

Preferred Terminology: SSP

Certification/Endorsement: RID CEUs are offered for initial SSP training.  Vancro is willing to work with other professional organizations to procure CEUs based on participant interest. 

Types of Service Requests: To run errands, attend events, attend appointments, read mail, assist with in-house tasks like setting up computers access and online shopping.

Training Requirements: (for the SSPs CNs AND for the participants) 2-day training

Program Coordination: part-time

SSP Pay Rate:  As of 2024, SSPs are paid $20/hour. The program pays mileage and travel time.

Transportation: SSPs are allowed to drive; public transportation.

Other: (additional information about your program that would be helpful to others  


Northeast Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services, Inc.

56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 6, Concord, NH  03301

Michelle McConaghy, Executive Director

603-968-5889 videophone; 603-224-1850 voice

Service Area: New Hampshire Statewide

Program Established: 2008

Funding Sources: Grant from New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation via Administration Community Living

Eligibility: Deaf-Blind / low vision NH residents; must provide documentation of dual sensory disability (deafness and blindness); who may use ASL/Close Vision/Tactile or spoken English for communication.

Number of Individuals Served: 9 individuals

Preferred Terminology:  SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  No CEUs or certification provided at this time

Types of Service Requests: Guides for shopping, social events, errands (bank, barber shop/salon), etc

SSP Providers will: 

  • provide information about physical surroundings;
  • provide social information, such as describing the mood;
  • communicate with people using the DeafBlind person’s preferred mode of communication (sign language, tactile communication, speech, etc)

Training Requirements: SSP training course by the coordinator

Program Coordination: part-time

Transportation:  The SSPs provide transportation as part of their services and are reimbursed for time and mileage.  Must provide a copy of their Driver’s Abstract and proof of Automobile Liability Insurance (100/300 or higher).

SSP Pay Rate:  The program pays $20/hour.

Other: n/a


DeafBlind Community Access Network of New Jersey, Inc.

187 Stewart Avenue, Kearny, NJ  07032

Katherine Gabry, Coordinator

201-978-5827 voice/text

Facebook page: Deaf Blind Community Access Network of NJ

Instagram:  @dbcannj

Service Area: New Jersey Statewide

Program Established: 2016

Funding Sources:  donations, grants, volunteer providers

Eligibility:  adults 18 and older who are deafblind and can provide leadership, direction and decision-making regarding services/activities

Number of Individuals Served: approximately 25 annually

Preferred Terminology:  Access Provider

Certification/Endorsement:  No CEUs or certification provided at this time

Types of Service Requests: Educational, recreational, training, community service/education, social and shopping programs sponsored by DB CAN NJ

Training Requirements – Access Providers: Each candidate is evaluated as to their knowledge and experience. Individual, online and small group trainings are provided by DB CAN NJ as needed. Content categories include roles/responsibilities of the provider and deafblind person, deafblind community and culture, communication, human guide, environmental information, skills of touch, confidentiality/ethics and boundaries. All candidates undergo a 1:1 training in community settings and functional evaluation by deafblind trainers. All must sign an agreement regarding the provision and use of services.

Training Requirements – Deafblind: 1:1 training content includes roles/responsibilities of the provider and deafblind person; sharing preferences for communication, information access and guiding; confidentiality/ethics and boundaries. All must sign an agreement regarding the provision and use of services.

Program Coordination: part-time, volunteer staff

Provider Pay Rate:  Hourly rate:  $35/hr.  Minimum assignment:  2 hours. 

Transportation:  On their own time, Access Providers may drive deafblind people ONLY (not their partners, family or friends) to/from our activities; they are not paid during the driving time.  In addition to walking, APs may ride with deafblind people on ride services such as Uber and Lyft, taxis, paratransit and any mode of public transportation.

Other: DB CAN NJ is a nonprofit that prides itself on being responsive to the needs of the entire deafblind community, not just deafblind people, but also interpreters, APs/SSPs, VR counselors, organizations, social workers, job coaches, family, friends – everyone who cares about and believes in this vibrant community. Our services are separate from SSPNJ, and eligible consumers can use the services of both programs. APs are independent contractors; deafblind people select their AP from our approved list.


Support Service Providers of New Jersey (SSPNJ)
The College of New Jersey, School of Education

P.O. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ   08628

Kathleen Spata, Statewide Program Coordinator

David Rims, Project Business Manager

609-771-2795 voice; 609-508-3773 voice/text
Service Area: New Jersey Statewide
Program Established:  April, 2010
Funding Sources:  NJ Department of Human Services, Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Eligibility: must be a client of the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired with a vocational rehabilitation or independent living goal
Number of Individuals Served:  101

Number of SSPs:  43

Preferred Terminology: SSPs 
Certification/Endorsement: A certificate of completion is provided to all SSPs who complete the SSP-NJ training program.

Types of Service Requests: Our Approved Activities list includes the following categories: post-secondary education/training, employment, health/well-being, household management, community integration.

Training Requirements:  SSPs must satisfactorily complete our 3-module, 10-hour training program as well as three probationary assignments; deaf-blind individuals must complete individualized training program
Program Coordination: Full-time position
Transportation:  SSPs are not able to provide transportation.  However, SSPs can support consumers utilizing public transportation.  The consumers is responsible for arranging their transportation but they can opt to have the SSP meet them at home and accompany them using public transportation.

SSP Pay Rate:  SSPs are paid varying rates:  $20/hour - training period – first 5 assignments completed successfully; $27.50/hour - assignments for consumers who

communicate and require support orally/aurally; $30/hour – assignments for consumers who communicate and require support using visual ASL; $32.50/hour – assignments for consumers who communicate and require support using tactile ASL.

Other: DeafBlind individuals have 16 hours of services/month. These services are provided at no charge.


Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS)

5000 Central Ave, SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Meagan Gorsuch, Program Manager

Mark Lucero-Muñiz, Assistant Program Manager

505-584-3424 text; 505-832-3738 videophone;;

Service Area: New MexicoStatewide

Program Established: Service coordination and case management have been provided for several years.  The Program’s SSP supports started in March 2011. Vancro took responsibility for the contract in 2023.  Throughout the course of program administration, SSP and case management services were expanded to Deaf people with additional disabilities and Deaf Senior Citizens. In July 2011, SSP supports were extended to deaf-plus (individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing with significant disabilities). This program includes case management services available to the aforementioned three groups.

Funding Sources:  From the State of New Mexico’s legislature through the New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Eligibility: Must meet the Program definition of deaf-blindness (combined auditory and visual losses), DeafDisabled (deaf or hard of hearing with a significant disability), or Deaf Senior Citizen (deaf or hard of hearing age 60 or above).

Number of Individuals Served: 80+

Preferred Terminology:  SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  RID CEUs are offered for initial SSP training.  Vancro is willing to work with other professional organizations to procure CEUs based on participant interest. 

Types of Service Requests:  Advocacy and support at appointments with doctors, the Social Security Administration, Human Services and Case Management Services, referrals to other sources such as Representative Payee Services and vocational services.  SSP supports include transportation/travel support and access to environmental information. Personnel development training to other service providers in the state.

Training Requirements:  Two days of initial training (SSP Basic Training), ongoing opportunities for professional development provided to SSPs.

Program Coordination:

  • Program manager – Meagan Gorsuch
  • Assistant Case Manager: currently vacant
  • SSP Scheduler:  Tammy Greeson, full-time
  • SSPs:  Currently 20 located across the state but the number fluctuates

Transportation:  The program does allow SSPs to provide transportation to eligible New Mexicans.

SSP Pay Rate:  Vancro in NM pays $19/hour portal to portal if using their own vehicle plus mileage while driving with the consumer, based on our state. It is currently 47 cents a mile.


Center for Disability Rights, Inc.

497 State Street, Rochester, NY  14608

Brooke Erickson, Vice President of Direct Services

585-286-2021 videophone

Service Area: Rochester, New York (Monroe County)

Program Established: 2001 by RCIL (Regional Center for Independent Living); transitioned over in 2007 to the Center for Disability Rights, Inc. 

Funding Sources: Currently using Independent Living funds and hoping to utilize the profits from our new interpreting agency to fund the SSP program.  We are also looking into permanent state/federal funding and accepting private donations. 

Eligibility: Individuals with documented hearing and vision loss, age 18 and older

Number of Individuals Served: 22

Preferred Terminology:  SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  None at this time

Types of Service Requests: grocery shopping, medical/legal appointments, and social events; community-based meetings

Training Requirements: 1-1 instruction and peer mentoring are provided by SSP personnel and DeafBlind consumers who utilize SSP services.

Program Coordination: One month of pre-time to arrange scheduling and SSP assignments for DeafBlind consumers.

Transportation:  SSPs provide transportation to consumers. 

SSP Pay Rate:  The SSP rate is $15.14/hour and mileage reimbursement is $0.67/mile. 

Other: The mission is to assist people who are DeafBlind to lead fully independent lives.  We continue to do outreach in hopes to increase more DeafBlind individuals utilizing SSP services in Monroe County.


Helen Keller National Center

141 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point, NY 11050

Sonia Hernandez, Volunteer and SSP Coordinator

516-321-4609 videophone

Service Area: HKNC – employees and program participants

Program Established: November 2022

Funding Sources: HKNC general budget

Eligibility:  in-person program participants, HKNC employees and visitors

Number of Consumers Served: 15+ DeafBlind individuals

Preferred Terminology:  SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  SSPs receive a certificate of completion after both trainings are finished. 

Types of Service Requests: SSP is offered for staff for work-related activities.  SSP is offered to program participants for both employment-related needs and recreational needs.

Training Requirements: SSPs and participants will be required to complete trainings. The SSP training is online, self-paced, completed in two weeks and in-person two-day training. Participant training will depend on their experiences. 

Program Coordination: Full-time

Transportation: SSPs are allowed to drive agency vehicles with Motor Vehicle background check completed.  SSPs may choose to use their personal vehicle with mileage reimbursement.   

SSP Pay Rate:  SSPs are paid $25/hour with mileage reimbursement.  SSPs may use their own personal cars.


NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

NC Driver/Support Service Provider Vendor List (DSSPVL)

Ashley Benton, Contract Administrator

919-741-4511 videophone

Service Area:  North Carolina Statewide

Program Established: 2007

Funding Sources: DHHS hiring agency/facility is responsible for the payment of DSSP vendors for services rendered from their program budgets.    

Number of Individuals Served: Approximately 50 DeafBlind staff, consumers, and clients of DHHS programs/facilities. 

Preferred Terminology:  Driver/SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  The Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has a DeafBlind SSP/CoNavigator training that we encourage volunteer and contract vendors to complete, but we will accept certificates of participation in SSP/CN trainings provided by HKNC, PLI or the NC Division of Services for the Blind. 

Types of Service Requests:  The NC DHHS Driver/Support Service Provider Vendor List (DSSPVL) is a list of qualified individuals approved to provide driver and support services for DeafBlind clients, staff and consumers of the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on an as-needed basis.  NC DHHS has developed the vendor list to satisfy the demands of state and federal laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as the NC DHHS Communication Accessibility Provision to benefit their clients, consumers and staff in providing reasonable accommodations which include drivers and support services.  Each NC-DHHS division and office can utilize the DSSPVL list to easily identify and secure qualified services for DeafBlind consumers, clients, or staff and/or mixed group meetings, trainings, community forums, or public hearings and other division or office events, in the shortest amount of time possible at a standard hourly rate. 

Training Requirements: Eligibility:

  • Applicant must be 18 years or older and possess a valid driver’s license for a minimum of two years and possess a good driving record as verified through the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Applicant possesses necessary skills to perform services for DeafBlind individuals as stated in the scope of work, which includes: a) Provide transportation, b) Serve as Human Guide/CoNavigator, c) Assist with communication in informal settings if vision is an issue, d) Provide access to printed materials and e) Provide visual, environmental and social feedback information.

Program Coordination:  Each NC-DHHS division and office can utilize the DSSPVL list to easily identify and secure qualified services for Deaf-Blind consumers, clients, or staff and/or mixed group meetings, trainings, community forums, or public hearings and other division or office events, in the shortest amount of time possible at a standard hourly rate. 

Transportation:  Driver/SSP vendors can provide transportation but a statement from their insurance company is required indicating the vendor has the minimum liability coverage as required by the contract and acknowledgement that the vehicle is used for business/for hire. 

SSP Pay Rate:  Standard (7am -5pm Mon-Fri) $24/hour and IRS rate for mileage reimbursement.  Enhanced (after hours/weekends and holidays) $36/hour and IRS rate for mileage reimbursement.

Other:  The request for DSSPVL services must be related to DeafBlind consumers’ DHHS services, DHHS DeafBlind employees’ work duties or DeafBlind Medicaid beneficiaries’ or companions’ Medicaid-billable services.  SSPs are paid $24/hour for standard service (M-F 7am – 5pm) and $36/hour for enhanced services (after hours and weekends).