Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS)

5000 Central Ave, SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Meagan Gorsuch, Program Manager

Mark Lucero-Muñiz, Assistant Program Manager

505-584-3424 text; 505-832-3738 videophone;;

Service Area: New MexicoStatewide

Program Established: Service coordination and case management have been provided for several years.  The Program’s SSP supports started in March 2011. Vancro took responsibility for the contract in 2023.  Throughout the course of program administration, SSP and case management services were expanded to Deaf people with additional disabilities and Deaf Senior Citizens. In July 2011, SSP supports were extended to deaf-plus (individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing with significant disabilities). This program includes case management services available to the aforementioned three groups.

Funding Sources:  From the State of New Mexico’s legislature through the New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Eligibility: Must meet the Program definition of deaf-blindness (combined auditory and visual losses), DeafDisabled (deaf or hard of hearing with a significant disability), or Deaf Senior Citizen (deaf or hard of hearing age 60 or above).

Number of Individuals Served: 80+

Preferred Terminology:  SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  RID CEUs are offered for initial SSP training.  Vancro is willing to work with other professional organizations to procure CEUs based on participant interest. 

Types of Service Requests:  Advocacy and support at appointments with doctors, the Social Security Administration, Human Services and Case Management Services, referrals to other sources such as Representative Payee Services and vocational services.  SSP supports include transportation/travel support and access to environmental information. Personnel development training to other service providers in the state.

Training Requirements:  Two days of initial training (SSP Basic Training), ongoing opportunities for professional development provided to SSPs.

Program Coordination:

  • Program manager – Meagan Gorsuch
  • Assistant Case Manager: currently vacant
  • SSP Scheduler:  Tammy Greeson, full-time
  • SSPs:  Currently 20 located across the state but the number fluctuates

Transportation:  The program does allow SSPs to provide transportation to eligible New Mexicans.

SSP Pay Rate:  Vancro in NM pays $19/hour portal to portal if using their own vehicle plus mileage while driving with the consumer, based on our state. It is currently 47 cents a mile.

» Active Support Service Provider (SSP) and CoNavigator (CN) Programs