Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS) 

900 W. 7th Street, Little Rock, AR 72201

Cheryl Seymore, Rehabilitation Area Manager for Services f/t Deaf & Hard of Hearing

501-686-2800 voice 

Service Area: Central Arkansas

Program Established: The DeafBlind Program was established in 1989 through a grant.  It became a part of ARS in 1991.  The agency began providing SSP services in 1997.

Funding Sources: Arkansas Rehabilitation Services funds the program which pays for SSPs who work on contract with the state program.

Eligibility: allowed up to 10 hours/week; have an SSP plan with consumer goals identified.  Primary goals are socialization, independent living, and access to the community.

Number of Individuals Served: 30 individuals

Preferred Terminology: SSP

Certification/Endorsement:  The program does not have an SSP certification but does occasionally offer CEUs

Types of Service Requests: reading mail, shopping, errands (drug store), exercise classes, monthly social group, and occasionally weddings or funerals.

Training Requirements: Many of the SSPs attend classes at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, interpreting program; SSP workshops are also provided with collaboration with UALR interpreting instructors and local consumers; an annual training/workshop is provided to allow SSPs to brush up on their skills.  Anyone interested in becoming an SSP must first provide 100 volunteer hours working as a SSP before they are eligible to be paid. They must also maintain yearly CEU requirements.

Program Coordination: SSPs are contacted directly by the consumer to schedule their appointments. The ARS SSP program is run by its full time staff interpreters. Processing payments for working SSP’s is only one of their many responsibilities. 

Transportation:  SSPs do provide transportation but it is only for the purpose of getting to the place they will provide SSP services; they do not provide transportation services alone.  When transportation is the only need, options recommended include public transportation, local Deaf Uber drivers, or contact family, friends or someone willing to volunteer. 

SSP Pay Rate:  the rate of pay is between $15.00 and $38.00 per hour based on experience, interpreter credentials, and licensing.

Other: Arkansas has developed a SSP guidelines document

» Active Support Service Provider (SSP) and CoNavigator (CN) Programs