Selecting an Eye Care Provider:
Ask the eye care provider if they have experience working with individuals with combined hearing and vision loss? If not, ask if they know someone they could recommend?

Share Info About your Hearing AND Vision Loss
Your hearing loss may impact the recommendations the eye care provider makes. Provide information about your current hearing status and prognosis.

Plan Ahead to Make the Most of Your Appointments
Working together is all about good communication. There’s nothing wrong with asking lots of questions! Remember, it’s your doctor’s job to answer them.
But since it’s easy to forget what you wanted to ask during an appointment, plan ahead and write down your questions before you meet.

Ask Questions and Keep Asking Until You Understand
Your doctor needs to listen carefully to your questions and concerns, and you need to make sure you understand exactly what your doctor tells you about your eye health, your treatment plan, and what you need to do next.

Keep Track of What you Learned

To help you remember everything your doctor tells you:

  • Take notes during your appointment:
    • You can write down your notes or record your conversation with your cell phone so you can listen to it later.
  • Ask a friend or family member to come with you to the appointment.
    • They can take notes, help you ask questions, or just be there to listen and support you.
  • Ask your doctor to write down the main points from the visit.
    • They may also be able to print instructions or other important information for you.