March 2024
Note: Services listed do not imply endorsement by HKNC. The information listed is self-reported by the program. The terminology used in this document is unique to each program (for example the spelling of the word “DeafBlind” or use of the term SSP or CoNavigator). This program listing is provided for informational purposes only. These are the known programs in the United States. Several other states/metropolitan communities have active work groups investigating the possibility of establishing SSP or CN services.
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CALIFORNIADeaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center (DHHSC) 5340 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93710 Michelle Bronson, Executive Director 559-225-3323 voice; 559-478-2791 videophone Service Area: an 8 county region in Central California Program Established: The DeafBlind Services program was established in May, 2000, which includes the DeafBlind Support Group (DBSG). This group continues to meet the second Wednesday of each month. Funding Sources: The services provided specifically to the DeafBlind community include case management, SSP services, SSP training, and DBSG monthly socials. The DeafBlind Services Program received a one-year, non-renewable grant from the Department of Rehabilitation in 2005 to provide paid SSP services. The SSP program is currently operating on a volunteer basis. SSPs are recruited from several sources: the Interpreter Training Program at California State University Fresno, Certified Deaf Interpreters, Community Interpreters, ASL students, and family members of those who are DeafBlind. Tools used for recruitment include the DHHSC’s DeafBee on the website, DHHSC’s social media platforms, class presentations at the local colleges/universities, word-of-mouth, and annual workshops. Eligibility: There are no set criteria but those receiving services. Those who provide SSP services are required to participate in SSP trainings. Number of Individuals Served: average 5-10 individuals per month Preferred Terminology: SSP or CoNavigator Certification/Endorsement: Certificates of completion are provided after SSP/Co-Navigator trainings. Types of Service Requests: Transportation, shopping, reading mail, making phone calls, exercising, travel out-of-town to DeafBlind events, computer assistance, independent living assistance, and assistance at recreational and social events. Training Requirements: Training is provided for all people interested in working with the DeafBlind community including interpreters, ASL students, interpreting students, and family members. Training occurs in a workshop format and topics include causes of DeafBlindness, safe guiding, etiquette, communication techniques and DeafBlind protocol. Program Coordination: The program is currently overseen by the Services Personnel Director of DHHSC. The agency constantly searches for grant and fundraising opportunities in order to secure funds for services and activities related to the DeafBlind Services Program. Transportation: SSPs can drive DeafBlind clients in their own vehicles but they must first sign a waiver with DHHSC. SSP/CN Pay Rate: Program uses volunteers Other: Additional documentation is currently being developed to enhance services for the community. Interpreting services for DeafBlind individuals can be scheduled with Interpreting Services of Central California, a division of DHHSC – Additionally, our agency has two Client Services Specialists who work with the DeafBlind: Angelica Medina-Boersma at and Joshua Blanco at
DeafBlind Access 323 W. Second St., San Dimas, CA 91773 Dorene Holm, President/Director of Client Services 909-319-5216 voice/text Service Area: the counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, & Orange Funding Sources: We are currently unfunded, relying on individual donations. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and we are currently searching for a grant writer. Eligibility: Must be Deaf or Hard of Hearing AND Blind or low-vision, 18 years and older Number of Individuals Served: 26 Preferred Terminology: Use both SSP and CN Certification/Endorsement: No certification is offered at this time Types of Service Requests: It’s entirely up to the consumer, and includes shopping, hair appointments, doctor visits (CN only, no interpreting services provided) family events, parties, read and sorting mail and recipes, food labeling, Deaf social events, etc. Training Requirements: SSP/CNs are either graduates from the College of the Canyons’ SSP/CN program or have received training through other organizations or the community. Many of our SSP/CNs have worked in the DeafBlind community for many years and we allow for them to waive the formal training requirement with proof of competency as evidenced by the support of DeafBlind individuals as well as an assessment of their skills. Program Coordination: This is a new program and consist of four individuals who work part-time to bring these services to the DeafBlind community. Transportation: We try to have the SSP/CN meet consumers at the destination, but there are situations like doctor visits and grocery shopping where the consumer needs a ride. Thus, some SSP/CoNavigators use their vehicles to drive, others use public transport or meet DeafBlind at the location. Pay Rate: The program relies on volunteers. Other: We work closely with the DeafBlind community to provide a variety of social events and SSP/CN Services as needed. Currently each consumer receives 10 hours per month. As we continue to seek funding for these critical services, we have a network of hearing and deaf SSP/CNs who volunteer their time to work with DeafBlind Access.
Mind Your Language, Inc. (MYL) 811 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Lucas Soto, CEO 323-230-0599 voice; 818-237-9239 videophone Service Area: Greater Los Angeles and neighboring cities Program Established: January 2017 Funding Sources: California Department of Rehabilitation 80%, Private donations 20% Eligibility: Participants must be clients of the California Department of Rehabilitation. Otherwise, we would need additional time to provide funding. However, we are not known for turning down consumers. Number of Individuals Served: Over 30 Preferred Terminology: CoNavigator Certification/Endorsement: MYL doesn’t provide CEUs or certification. We would provide a “DeafBlind CoNavigator Training” certificate of completion if individuals attend one of our workshops in its entirety. Types of Service Requests: Medical appointments, job interviews, errands related to employment, emergencies; and other activities require pre-approval Training Requirements: Sixty percent of our CoNavigators/SSPs have been trained by DeafBlind instructors. If the CN has no formal training, a set of references from previous customers is required. We are happy to adapt to the consumer’s level of training and would suggest any training we would see fitting. SSPs/CoNavigators require three sets of references from DB consumers. We are happy to adapt to the consumer's level of training and would suggest any training we would see fitting. Program Coordination: Part Time Transportation: It depends on the funding source. Most likely it would be covered by state funding or donations. If the DeafBlind consumer has an issue with the CN providing transportation, the CN can meet the client at a predefined destination. SSP/CN Pay Rate: The CN/SSP Rates are $50/hour. Mileage is also charged at the current federal rate. We only pay travel time if the provider has to drive over 30 minutes to arrive at the initial place of service, $30/hour. Other: Mind Your Language has been hosting local DeafBlind Interpreting workshops annually. We are planning to also host virtual CN training in 2024. | ||
COLORADOColorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) 1575 Sherman Street, Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203 Vacant, DeafBlind Services Coordinator 720-457-3679 voice/videophone Certification/Endorsement: No certification or training CEUs are offered Types of Service Requests: General. Reading mail, attending DB social events and task force meetings, shopping, doctor appointments, legislative meetings, etc. Each consumer is allowed a certain number of hours per month, depending on their needs. Training Requirements: SSPs must obtain external certification and/or 18 hours of mentoring requirements to become eligible to sign on as an independent contractor with the Commission. The Commission does not provide SSP training due to their independent contractor status as per state regulations. HKNC continues to work with CCDHHDB and Colorado DeafBlind Advisory Council to identify a funding source to provide training until a national or state certification can be developed. SSP Pay Rate: SSPs are paid at $27.00 per hour, $34.50 after 7 pm (evening and weekends) and $42 on holidays. ($27/$34.50/$42). Other: Automotive liability insurance ($1,000,000 minimum) is mandatory if SSPs plan to drive consumers. Professional liability insurance ($1,000,000 minimum) is also required for all SSPs. | ||
CONNECTICUTCommunication Advocacy Network (CAN) 151 New Park Ave, Suite 101, Box 83, Hartford, CT 06106 Susan V. Pedersen, Director 860-566-9490 videophone (for information); 860-566-9489 videophone (for director) Service Area: Connecticut Statewide Program Established: August 2009 Funding Sources: (state agency) Department of Rehabilitation Services with Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind; and some grants and fundraising events Eligibility: legally blind and deaf, including low vision. New additional group requested by BESB is work in progress: Blind and Hard of Hearing Number of Individuals Served: 22 Preferred Terminology: SSP (CN is new to many of the DeafBlind Community here) Certification/Endorsement: yes, training CEUs are provided if training is done by the Helen Keller National Center and/or other certified trainers. Types of Service Requests: Support Service Providers (SSP), and deaf-blind services including monthly deaf-blind support group with guest speakers Training Requirements: Knowledge of ASL is preferred but not required; be familiar in the area of deaf-blind services; and to be able to work with hard of hearing deaf-blind consumers by using oral communication or other modes of communication. Program Coordination: part-time SSP program coordination Transportation: Transportation is provided by SSPs. SSP Pay Rate: New SSPs (#1099 employees are paid $17.50/hr plus IRS mileage rates. Veteran SSPs are paid $18-20/hr depending on college degrees plus IRS mileage rates. Other: Deaf-Blind distribution program available provided by the Connecticut Tech Act Project, | ||