Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS)

Remote office location – St. Louis, MO

Brett Wilhelm, DeafBlind Services Program Coordinator

636-542-8126 voice/text/facetime

Service Area: Omaha, Nebraska

Program Established: July, 2023

Funding Sources: two-year grant of $110,000 from the NE Commission f/t Blind & Visually Impaired and $10,000 grant from the Friends of NCBVI to establish an SSP pilot program in the Omaha metro.  During this two-year period, permanent program funding will be sought from the Nebraska State Legislature. 

Eligibility: Service recipients must have varying levels of combined vision and hearing loss:  1) Vision - vision acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses, or a field loss such that the peripheral diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance of no greater than 20 degrees, or progressive visual loss with a prognosis leading to one or both of the above conditions; and 2) Hearing - chronic hearing disabilities so severe that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification, or progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to the above condition; the confirmation of vision and hearing loss must be provided in writing from a professional.  In addition, the DeafBlind participant must have the capacity in giving instructions and making decisions independently when utilizing SSP services. DeafBlind participants must provide a Nebraska photo ID, which will prove if they have been a Nebraska resident for at least one year and are age 14 years or older - anyone under the age of 18 will require parental consent to use SSP services.

Number of Participants Served: up to 25 participants

Preferred Terminology: SSP

Certification/Endorsement: RID CEUs are offered for initial SSP training.  Vancro is willing to work with other professional organizations to procure CEUs based on participant interest. 

Types of Service Requests: To run errands, attend events, attend appointments, read mail, assist with in-house tasks like setting up computers access and online shopping.

Training Requirements: (for the SSPs CNs AND for the participants) 2-day training

Program Coordination: part-time

SSP Pay Rate:  As of 2024, SSPs are paid $20/hour. The program pays mileage and travel time.

Transportation: SSPs are allowed to drive; public transportation.

Other: (additional information about your program that would be helpful to others  

» Active Support Service Provider (SSP) and CoNavigator (CN) Programs