DeafBlind Community Access Network of New Jersey, Inc.

187 Stewart Avenue, Kearny, NJ  07032

Katherine Gabry, Coordinator

201-978-5827 voice/text

Facebook page: Deaf Blind Community Access Network of NJ

Instagram:  @dbcannj

Service Area: New Jersey Statewide

Program Established: 2016

Funding Sources:  donations, grants, volunteer providers

Eligibility:  adults 18 and older who are deafblind and can provide leadership, direction and decision-making regarding services/activities

Number of Individuals Served: approximately 25 annually

Preferred Terminology:  Access Provider

Certification/Endorsement:  No CEUs or certification provided at this time

Types of Service Requests: Educational, recreational, training, community service/education, social and shopping programs sponsored by DB CAN NJ

Training Requirements – Access Providers: Each candidate is evaluated as to their knowledge and experience. Individual, online and small group trainings are provided by DB CAN NJ as needed. Content categories include roles/responsibilities of the provider and deafblind person, deafblind community and culture, communication, human guide, environmental information, skills of touch, confidentiality/ethics and boundaries. All candidates undergo a 1:1 training in community settings and functional evaluation by deafblind trainers. All must sign an agreement regarding the provision and use of services.

Training Requirements – Deafblind: 1:1 training content includes roles/responsibilities of the provider and deafblind person; sharing preferences for communication, information access and guiding; confidentiality/ethics and boundaries. All must sign an agreement regarding the provision and use of services.

Program Coordination: part-time, volunteer staff

Provider Pay Rate:  Hourly rate:  $35/hr.  Minimum assignment:  2 hours. 

Transportation:  On their own time, Access Providers may drive deafblind people ONLY (not their partners, family or friends) to/from our activities; they are not paid during the driving time.  In addition to walking, APs may ride with deafblind people on ride services such as Uber and Lyft, taxis, paratransit and any mode of public transportation.

Other: DB CAN NJ is a nonprofit that prides itself on being responsive to the needs of the entire deafblind community, not just deafblind people, but also interpreters, APs/SSPs, VR counselors, organizations, social workers, job coaches, family, friends – everyone who cares about and believes in this vibrant community. Our services are separate from SSPNJ, and eligible consumers can use the services of both programs. APs are independent contractors; deafblind people select their AP from our approved list.


Support Service Providers of New Jersey (SSPNJ)
The College of New Jersey, School of Education

P.O. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ   08628

Kathleen Spata, Statewide Program Coordinator

David Rims, Project Business Manager

609-771-2795 voice; 609-508-3773 voice/text
Service Area: New Jersey Statewide
Program Established:  April, 2010
Funding Sources:  NJ Department of Human Services, Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Eligibility: must be a client of the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired with a vocational rehabilitation or independent living goal
Number of Individuals Served:  101

Number of SSPs:  43

Preferred Terminology: SSPs 
Certification/Endorsement: A certificate of completion is provided to all SSPs who complete the SSP-NJ training program.

Types of Service Requests: Our Approved Activities list includes the following categories: post-secondary education/training, employment, health/well-being, household management, community integration.

Training Requirements:  SSPs must satisfactorily complete our 3-module, 10-hour training program as well as three probationary assignments; deaf-blind individuals must complete individualized training program
Program Coordination: Full-time position
Transportation:  SSPs are not able to provide transportation.  However, SSPs can support consumers utilizing public transportation.  The consumers is responsible for arranging their transportation but they can opt to have the SSP meet them at home and accompany them using public transportation.

SSP Pay Rate:  SSPs are paid varying rates:  $20/hour - training period – first 5 assignments completed successfully; $27.50/hour - assignments for consumers who

communicate and require support orally/aurally; $30/hour – assignments for consumers who communicate and require support using visual ASL; $32.50/hour – assignments for consumers who communicate and require support using tactile ASL.

Other: DeafBlind individuals have 16 hours of services/month. These services are provided at no charge.

» Active Support Service Provider (SSP) and CoNavigator (CN) Programs